Are you an aspiring performing or creative artist, or just looking to continue your passion for the arts while in college? You may be eligible to receive a Creative Arts Scholarship. 这些奖学金也可以与学术奖学金相结合,金额从13,000美元到18,000美元不等.  安排与教师或工作人员试镜,或提交您的试镜表格在这里今天!

奖学金 are available in:

  • 视觉艺术
  • 平面设计
  • 器乐
  • 声乐
  • 剧院
  • 音乐剧
  • 技术剧院
  • 创意写作
  • 跳舞
  • 文学

Creative Arts Interest Form

Schedule or Submit Your Audition or Portfolio Review!

如果你想安排一个校园内的私人试镜和校园参观, please schedule an on-campus visit through the Office of 招生 by clicking 在这里. 如果你已经收到了校园参观,只想安排一个校园内的私人试镜, please contact Julian Marshall at 马歇尔 你也可以通过提交数字作品集或在线表演视频来完成虚拟试镜.

Schedule or Submit Your Audition or Portfolio Review Now!

  • Audition and Portfolio Requirements
    • 器乐: Two etudes demonstrating both technique and musicianship
    • 键盘: Two pieces in contrasting styles
    • 声乐:两篇对比鲜明的文章,其中一篇应该用英语以外的语言
    • 戏剧艺术两段对比鲜明的独白,每段长度不超过一分钟,必须背诵
    • 音乐剧: 24-36小节的歌曲和一个对比独白,要记住,1-2分钟的长度
    • 技术剧院: Example of artwork, resume of experience, and a portfolio of technical work
    • 跳舞: A 2-3 minute dance piece of your choice
    • 创意写作2-5页的创意写作,可以包括小说、非小说和诗歌. Most applicants submit a single short story, essay, or series of poems.
    • 视觉艺术 & 平面设计一份完整的申请以及作品集的物理或数字版本
    • 文学: 3-4 page analysis of a literary work
  • 教师Bios



    姓名:Jon W Benjamin

    Training and specialties:  平面设计, Digital Media


    背景:  Jon获得罗切斯特理工学院平面设计美术硕士学位, 他是纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校的理学学士. 他的硕士论文题目是“医疗信息设计:赋予病人权力”.” Jon started as a freelance designer for biotech startups in Madison, Wisconsin.

    11年来, 乔恩是位于华盛顿郊区的一家协会管理公司的高级平面设计师.C. Jon developed brands, designed websites, and produced scientific journals. His clients included the American Society of Consulting Arborists, the Association of Water Technologies, and the Cardiology Leadership Alliance.


    乔恩之前在朴茨茅斯的肖尼州立大学教授数字基础和医学插图课程, 俄亥俄州. 他目前是西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院平面设计助理教授. Jon has teaches courses in 平面设计, 排版, 网页设计, 品牌识别系统, 动画, 视频制作, 电子游戏设计, 艺术历史, 平面设计历史, Principles of Visual Communication and Television Broadcasting.

    In 2019 he started the 西维吉尼亚州 艺术与设计 Association in Buckhannon, 西维吉尼亚州 to help local artists and designers to collaborate, learn and promote their businesses.

    乔恩在2021年开了一家独立书店,出售精心策划的藏书, 游戏及美术用品. Argo Books also provides the community with a Writers Club, Bookclub, Film & Photo Club, Animation Club, Game Design Club and Cineclub.   Jon is a member of the American Institute of Graphic Arts.

    Name:  Crystal Ann Brown

    Training and specialties:  Interdisciplinary Arts, 艺术历史 and Curatorial Practice


    背景:  我在密歇根州大急流城的肯德尔艺术与设计学院学习雕塑,在那里我获得了雕塑学士学位,辅修了艺术史. I earned my MFA from 俄亥俄州 University, 在雅典, 俄亥俄州 w在这里 I studied sculpture and expanded practice. 住在堪萨斯城的时候,我创办了霍恩的巢穴:一个家庭+游牧展览空间,并在堪萨斯城艺术学院的继续教育部门任教. Since moving to 西维吉尼亚州 I have continued to exhibit regularly, nationally and internationally, while spending the last 5 years adjuncting at Davis and Elkins College, 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒 and directing the Sleeth art gallery. 在2019年夏天成立了artCAB工作室,为所有技能水平和年龄的人提供艺术课程, including art summer camps for kids.



    Training and specialties:  创意写作, Fiction

    联系我:  史蒂文斯

    背景:  As a Navy brat, Robert Yune moved 11 times by the time he turned 18.  After graduating from Pitt, he lived in Pittsburgh for the next 15 years.

    2012年夏天, 他曾担任竹井乔治的替身,并在广告和电影中担任临时演员,如《加拿大28开奖》和《加拿大28网址》.

    Yune’s fiction has been published in Green Mountains Review, 凯尼恩评论, 和昴宿星团, 等.  2009年,他获得了宾夕法尼亚艺术委员会的写作奖学金.

    In 2015, 他的处女作《加拿大28网址》获得都柏林国际文学奖提名.  同年的其他提名包括劳伦·格罗夫、石黑一雄和萨尔曼·拉什迪.  他的处女作小说集《加拿大28开奖》获得了2017年玛丽·麦卡锡奖,并于2019年10月由萨拉班德图书公司出版.

    尤恩是秋之家出版社和厄普舒尔县扫盲志愿者的董事会成员. He also reads for Gettysburg Review.


    名称:博士. 旋律的草地

    Training and specialties:  M.A.T. 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒

    D.M.A. 密歇根大学




    背景:  Dr. 梅多斯是西弗吉尼亚加拿大28网址键盘研究和音乐理论教授. She has performed on piano and organ throughout the U.S., 英格兰, 苏格兰, 德国, 意大利, 奥地利, 和首尔, 韩国 and enjoys playing a variety of styles, including classical and jazz. She is a recipient of Wesleyan’s Exemplary Teaching Award.


    Training and specialties:  音乐, Athletic Bands, Brass

    联系我:  帕尔默; (304) 473-8520

    背景:  我在伊利诺伊州长大,在西伊利诺伊大学获得学士和硕士学位. After spending time in Arizona and Indiana, I moved to 西维吉尼亚州 and started at Alderson Broaddus in the winter of 2015. 后来我进入佛罗里达州立大学攻读博士学位,然后搬回了布里奇波特, 和我的家人在一起. 2022年7月,我兴奋地开始了加拿大28网址的学习,我渴望参加乐队项目.



    Training and specialties:  Acting/Directing/Stage Makeup

    联系我:  mach@wvwc.Edu和304-473-8855

    背景:  格雷戈里·马赫是戏剧艺术的终身副教授,曾任戏剧系系主任 & 跳舞 at 西弗吉尼亚卫斯理教徒 College in his 22nd year at that institution, and previously taught at Davis and Elkins College for thirteen years.

    专业演员, 导演, and playwright when he is not teaching, 他于1985年获得密西西比大学美术硕士学位, 他在美国东南部包括巴特剧院在内的许多剧院表演过从莎士比亚到哑剧的各种作品, Greenbrier Valley 剧院, Surflight剧院, Cumberland County Playhouse, Mississippi Summer Showcase, 西维吉尼亚州 Public 剧院, 剧院 西维吉尼亚州 and many more.  Favorite roles include Sherlock Holmes, Henry II in THE LION IN WINTER, Franz Liebkind in THE PRODUCERS, and all the Shakespeare plays he has done, particularly the role of Bottom in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, which he has played 5 times. He has directed extensively for the commercial, university and community stage, as well as for international tours, including such plays as THE MUSIC MAN, GODSPELL, 吸血鬼, 借我一个男高音, NUNSENSE, 心之罪, 奥利弗!,以及更多.

    他在东南剧院会议董事会担任西弗吉尼亚州代表15年, the largest theatre conference in the nation, for which he was the State Auditions Coordinator for 2 years. He also served as Secretary/Treasurer of the WV 剧院 Association, and chaired the Board of Directors of the Valley Ridge Studios, a small theatre doing outstanding work in Thomas, WV. In 1999, 他被国际扶轮基金会选中,代表西弗吉尼亚州的高等教育和艺术前往大邱进行为期30天的团体研究交换之旅, 韩国.

    Greg is the author of many produced plays, among them four one-act children’s plays, 其中两个作为西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院和戴维斯埃尔金斯学院儿童戏剧项目的一部分,在西弗吉尼亚的学校巡回演出, and one of which has won a national award. 他还在当地的剧院和餐馆撰写和导演了几部神秘谋杀案的晚餐戏剧作品, including the Gandy 跳舞r 剧院 in Elkins, WV, and the 88 in Buckhannon, WV, and is the author of three mime shows, one of which has toured Eastern Europe.

    名字:Tom Schoffler

    Training and specialties:  表演与戏剧


    背景:  Chair of the Department of 剧院 & 跳舞, Tom is a working actor and 导演. 他曾在纽约和地区担任导演,是阿拉斯加剧院的创始公司成员. 汤姆也是亚历山大技巧的认证教师,并在全国范围内为学生提供大师班和研讨会,从专业的扳手腕运动员和撑杆跳高运动员到各种各样的表演者@tommyschoff

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